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CRC robot


The Utah Nanofab Cleanroom is open 24/7 and it is unsafe for someone to be i\ n the lab alone due to hazardous materials. Researchers often have projects that re\ quire them to be in the lab during off hours. This poses a challenge for lab direct\ ors to maintain a safe environment in the lab at all hours of operation.


We have created a remote companion robot and accompanying system which allow\ s autonomous human tracking, live remote video communication, and a cleanroom frien\ dly design. This allows researchers to use a telepresent buddy system where a user \ can remotely watch their friend from home, without needing to drive all the way acr\ oss town.


Our system is made up of four parts:

These components work together to allow the lab occupant and the remote budd\ y to communicate. The remote user can see what is happening in the lab and is avail\ able to give feedback, and even call for help should disaster strike.

System architecture